Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thirty Of Thirty

Sea Island Golf Club, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

This was the view from our balcony when we stayed at the Lodge at Sea Island where my husband attended a meeting. I did a few drawings of the golfers while I was sitting outside. I decided to paint this one because I liked the abstract feel of the major shapes and the fun of placing the tiny golfers in the composition. The blue in the back is water, and this course has lots of it. This ends my series of Island paintings, which turned out to be a good theme.

The thirty day challenge ends today and I want to thank Leslie Saeta for inviting us to participate. I learned a lot, met some great artists and improved my studio painting time by starting earlier in the day. 

Since we live in a town known for its numerous golf courses, particularly Pinehurst Number Two,  which recently hosted the Men's and Women's US Opens, I think I may spend more time doing some larger golf paintings. I am looking forward to getting back to working on some commissions and a couple of really big paintings.
Thanks for following my progress through September's challenge and for your comments. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Twenty Nine Of Thirty

Ölund, Summer Sheep, 6x8" oil on linen panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$110 plus shipping

Here is a painting that I have wanted to paint for quite a while; I spotted the sheep on a visit to Sweden. This was late on Midsummer's Eve. 
It never really got dark at all and when we finally got to sleep, the roosters began crowing about two a.m. It was one of the best stays on an island that I ever had. Midsummer was incredibly fun, especially dancing after the midsummer pole was raised.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Twenty Eight Of Thirty

Golf Cart Garage, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

I am back again to one of my favorite islands, Bald Head, with a painting of the golf cart garage of a home near Flora's Bluff. Palm trees have not been in my painting repertoire very long; I have found  that I love to paint them, it's such fun.
The main mode of transportation on Bald Head is by golf cart. Every home has at least one for going to the Maritime Market, the beach, restaurants, coffee shop, hardware store, etc.  Yes, people do walk but it is a long way to go sometimes and a cart is a must. The roads are all paved and wide so it's easy to get around.
Bald Head Island is one of the East Coast's most important nesting grounds for loggerhead turtles.
Above the door you can see the copper shape of the baffled light. BHI has had a lighting ordinance since 2001 to protect the female loggerhead turtles and hatchlings from dangers associated with exposure to artificial light. Lights must be shielded from horizontal view.

Twenty Seven Of Thirty

Smooth Sailing, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

I love watching sailboats and the great variety in the way they appear in the water. This one looks very laid back and dreamy. The afternoon was warm and the best place to be was out on the water in a boat or a kayak. 
I had fun playing with the colors on the house while the sun made the roof shimmer and look orange and pink. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Twenty Six Of Thirty

Before Breakfast, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

This traditional wooden market umbrella reminds me of the one we had when I was about five years old.  My mom and dad would always bring it to the beach when we were living on St. Simon's Island.
I can almost visualize the striped pattern that it had but mostly I remember the wood frame under the fabric and how huge it seemed to me then.

It is still raining here in Pinehurst, our broccoli and collard plants are looking really good from the moisture they are getting. I hope you have a restful week-end and enjoy some time with friends and family.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Twenty Five Of Thirty

Costa Rica Sunset,  6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

Painting a subject that you have not attempted previously is often not what you expected. This is a dramatic sunset that I photographed in Costa Rica; I expected to spend a long time on it but I found that I did not want to disturb the strokes of paint that I put into the sky so I left it alone. Since the water had been painted first, then all I had remaining to paint was the sailboat and finally the sun.

I would like to try more of these but would like to be outdoors looking at the event as it happens and try to capture it. I guess it doesn't hurt to practice so I'll be ready next time I get a chance to paint the sunset.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Twenty Four Of Thirty

Walking To The Pier, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus free shipping

This was a very enjoyable painting to do, especially since this is one of my favorite spots on Oak Island. This was in the morning and it was already extremely sunny.  I usually only spend time on the beach before ten am and after four pm, to avoid the hot sun. 
This woman had a very dark tan and looked as if she spent a lot of time on the beach. She turned a few heads as she walked, looking great in her bright yellow top.  I loved it in combination with the rainbow of colors on the umbrella.
This will soon be going to one of my galleries at the beach so let me know if you are interested. I will also be glad to frame it for you for an additional twenty-five dollars.
Thanks for viewing my art and for all the great comments.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Twenty Three Of Thirty

Sightseeing, Campobello Island, 6 x 6 " oil on panel

$100 plus shipping

This looks like a fun way to see all of the island. This boat had just passed the lighthouse when I spotted it and liked the way it stood out from the others. One of the people in our painting workshop did try this tour and really liked it. Most of our free time was devoted to painting and I do wish I had visited more of the special touristy  things to see on Campobello.  Maybe next time I will.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Twenty Two Of Thirty

Island Gull, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

Available At Visual Art Exchange, Raleigh, NC

This is one of the rather large Campobello Island seagulls looking as if he's thinking about taking off for the opposite shore. This is at the end of a dock where we painted boats a couple of times.
There were at least a dozen birds who spent the afternoon with us; each one had varied coloring, no two looked alike.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Twenty One Of Thirty

Approaching Sunset, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

There was plenty of light still left on this peaceful evening and the sky was soft with pink and blue. It would later become more dramatic while I sat on the porch at the Inn and looked up from my book once in awhile.
This was a magical summer with many great memories. Hope you have some of those, too.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Twenty Of Thirty

Queen Anne's Lace, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

The shadows and the Queen Anne's lace at the foot of the tree are the things that drew me in. This road was almost always full of people walking, but I was able to catch it when no one was in the road, although it would have been fun to paint a figure in the distance.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Nineteen Of Thirty

Down At The Dock, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

This building looks very different on the two sides not shown here. One side serves as a place to put notices about things going on and opportunities to rent houses or take boat tours.
This was how it looked to me about five thirty one morning; the light was very pink and the sky was already a sparkling blue.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Eighteen Of Thirty

Chairs With A View, 6 x 8 " oil on linen, ©2014, Fay Terry

$110 plus shipping

This is another painting from my trip to Monhegan in August. The house is the last house on the way down to the dock.  One afternoon while I was there, many of the oldest homes on the island were opened for a tour which was a fundraiser for the historical society. We visited about ten homes where we could walk through the entire house with a docent providing a complete story of the home.
The house in this photo did not happen to be on the tour, but I know that it is one of the oldest buildings.
I could not wait to paint these bright blue chairs which actually are in the yard next door on the edge of a hill.
Thanks for viewing my art.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Seventeen Of Thirty

Seagull Watching, 6 x 8" oil on linen panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$110, free shipping

This is a scene from Campobello Island. You can't tell by the painting, but the gulls there are larger than  most. I loved the shape of this building and the way the bird was watching it so intently and did not move at all. Maybe he was waiting to meet a friend.
I am learning a lot from this thirty day challenge and love seeing all the wonderful paintings every day.
Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day Sixteen Of Thirty

Older Brother, Younger Sister 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

These siblings were so cute together at the beach on Oak Island and big brother was very protective of his sister. I felt as if I were back on the beach while I was painting this. I love painting ocean scenes.
The waves were high and the beach was full on this early September morning. Summer is my favorite time of year but I am happy that we have four different seasons to enjoy.
Thank you for following my blog.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fifteen Of Thirty

Nestled Behind The Dunes, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus $10 domestic shipping

The Sea Oats on our beaches are making a big difference in the amount of erosion we are seeing. There are several other grasses growing very well now and the dunes are becoming larger and more stable.
This house is oceanfront and has some good protection as long as we don't get a large, strong storm.
I love the bright orange life rings at every beach access on Bald Head Island. Hopefully they will not be needed by anyone in serious trouble in the ocean.
This was fun to paint; we all need a painting like this to remind us of summer as we move toward the cold weather months.
Thank you for visiting my blog. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fourteen Of Thirty

Swedish Cottage, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

This lovely island is in the Baltic sea, not far from the capital city.  The Stockholm archipelago is the largest archipelago in Sweden and second largest in the Baltic sea.  The archipelago extends from Stockholm about forty miles to the east.  There are about thirty thousand islands and islets. 
In 1719 this area had about 3,000 inhabitants, mostly fishermen.  Today this archipelago is a popular holiday spot with about 50, 000 vacation cottages, mostly owned by Stockholmers.
Some years back, my husband and I traveled around Sweden with my son and his fiance to meet her family including her wonderful grandmother. Hampton and Kim are now married and expecting their second child in November. Needless to say, we are very excited.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thirteen Of Thirty

Old Baldy, 11x14 oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

The great thing about islands is that many of them have lighthouses; the light on Bald Head Island is one of my favorites which  I have painted  many times from different angles.
I am fortunate that my good friend Teej invites me to visit her there and I usually get  a lot of painting done while on the island. It is a painting paradise.
The light is always referred to as Old Baldy. The first lighthouse was built in 1795 and was pulled down and replaced using many of the same bricks in 1817. It was covered with a plaster mixture of sand and lime. Old Baldy was built to light the mouth of the Cape Fear river and was not meant to illuminate Frying Pan Shoals, a dangerous area for ships, which is eighteen miles southeast of the island.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Twelve Of Thirty

View From The Lodge, 6 x 12" oil on panel ©2014, Fay Terry

These trees made quite an impression on me on a recent visit to Sea Island, Georgia. We arrived  just in time for lunch and were seated facing this view. The shadows on the grass and the long expanse of the ocean made me want to paint this scene.
Every evening between six and seven a bagpiper stood in the shade and played the pipes. He gradually moved from one end of the lawn to the other.  It was a beautiful sight and the music was well suited to the early evening atmosphere with nice breezes coming off the water.
I really enjoy painting long rectangular paintings once in awhile; they are a nice change from my usual square daily paintings.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Eleven Of Thirty

Buoys On The Corner, 6 x 8 " oil on linen panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus $10 domestic shipping

Monhegan Island seems to be getting most of my attention during this challenge although I do have many other islands to show you. This was spotted on the steep walk up to the lighthouse. Dappled light and buoys are two of my favorite things to paint.

I was in Southern Pines this beautiful morning and passed the fire station which had a simple and beautiful tribute honoring those who serve and those who lost their lives. When I got to the center of town the main street was lined with U.S. flags. I felt thankful for living in this town, this state, and this country.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ten Of Thirty

Rooftop Visitor, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free domestic shipping

Looking out at the dock in early morning and the fading light of evening while I was on Monhegan was such fun; it included many pleasant sights and sounds, like the sunrise, sunset, and numerous gulls. The lobster boats going out were another favorite, as was the view of Manana Island. 
 I was very fortunate to have a resident bird appear regularly on the roof outside my window. He watched me as I moved about my room and I quietly observed. I thought one morning to take a video which is now one of my favorite memories of the sights and sounds of the island. My friendly gull flew onto the roof, walked to and fro on the narrow shingles for a while, and then he stretched his neck and made some of the loudest noises I've ever heard from a seagull. Soon after, his friends seemed to be calling  him to join  the flock flying over the harbor and settling on the rocks.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you would like to subscribe, you will receive a painting by email each day. Please feel free to forward this to a friend you think might enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Nine Of Thirty

Early Evening Ferry, 6 x 8 " oil on canvas panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

This is the ferry to Bald Head Island, North Carolina; the ride is about twenty minutes long and never fails to thrill me with its beauty and balmy breezes as we ride. I have painted this several times and it turns out very different each time. 
The ferry leaves from Southport and we soon pass the Yacht Basin where a couple of our favorite eateries are.  The Provision Company serves at the dock and has great views of the waterway and yacht basin, Frying Pan is a much taller building up on stilts with a magnificent view of Caswell Beach and also Bald Head. It is still summer here so there will be many visits to the beach before the season is over.
Thank you for visiting my blog!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Eight Of Thirty

Spotting Whales On Campobello Island, 8 x 8  " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$115 plus $10 shipping within US

This is a wonderful spot for watching whales, a pleasant lunchtime place, and within the park, an excellent plein air painting location. I was on Campobello Island last year at the beginning of September, enjoying the cool sunny weather and eating lobster at every meal. 
This lighthouse was constructed in 1829, and painted with the cross of Saint George.
This painting took a little longer than I expected, but I am pleased with the result. If you are doing the thirty in thirty challenge, I hope you are still having fun with it. I sure am.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Seven Of Thirty

Sea Island Trees, 5 x 5 " watercolor crayon drawing

I did this a few minutes ago sitting on the porch and looking out to the ocean. There is a wide expanse of bright green grass and part of it is on the golf course. The square format was a good way to start playing with shapes and values since I know that I want to do  a larger painting in a longer, more narrow shape. 
We have had a wonderful week-end here with plenty to see and do, including seeing many gorgeous paintings in the Sea Island collection.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Six Of Thirty

Relaxed Fishing, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

This man was seen fishing on Oak Island and caught several good size fish while I was reading in a chair nearby. I love to fish but prefer to go crabbing when I'm at the beach. 
There will still be lots of good beach days with fewer people, especially during the week. I hope to be there soon for a few days of painting as soon as the temperatures get a little cooler.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Five Of Thirty

Peach Cottage, Bald Head Island, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping
click to purchase

One of my favorite things to see at the beach is colorful towels hung on the porch rails to dry. This cottage overlooks the water and is always full of activity.  The houses look so sad when they are all closed up for the winter. It's nice to know there is still time left to spend on the front porch watching the waves.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Four Of Thirty

Pope's Folly Island, 6 x 8 " oil on linen, ©2014, Fay Terry

$110, free shipping

This is one of the most beautiful spots in the world; the view here is from the town of Lubec, Maine. The island forms a boundary between the United States turf, and Canadian property.  It was decided that Pope's Folly would belong to the U.S. in 1895 at the same time that an English vessel was trying to smuggle forty cases of rum onto Campobello Island while pretending to export it to the U.S. on Pope's Folly Island. The two court decisions were heard together as one, since both depended on which country controlled the island.
Pope's Folly island is named for a man who was jilted by his true love and decided to row the short distance from the mainland and live alone on the tiny island.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Three Of Thirty

Monhegan, Ocean View, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

I am so glad I signed up for this challenge because I am meeting lots of artists and getting to see some really creative themes and new paintings.  It is especially impressive just by the sheer numbers of paintings that are being posted each day on Leslie's blog. I congratulate all of you who are pouring your love and energy into this project and I hope you are having as much fun as I am.
Having a theme has already been helpful to me; I had no consistency of subject matter the last time I did the challenge and it does make a difference.
Happy Painting and viewing everyone and thanks for visiting my blog!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Two Of Thirty

Cool Breeze, Warm Sun  6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

This is a house on Monhegan Island that I walked by almost every day; on this particular day I peeked
out at the water just in time to see this sunlit sailboat going very fast. The entire week proved to be the best weather I have seen on the island. Maybe it was showing off for the Quadricentennial celebrations that were going on, including spectacular fireworks one night, after which Eric Clapton's yacht blew a loud whistle of appreciation.

Monday, September 1, 2014

One For September

Morning At Lobster Cove, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry
$50 special sale
sold to S.G.

This is the first of thirty paintings I will paint this month.  I am taking part in a challenge with hundreds of other artists.  I have done this before and it was an amazing experience. 
My theme is Islands In The Sun so I'll be revisiting many of my favorite places while working at my easel. Today's scene is from Monhegan Island.