Fay Terry, PLAYING AT THE BEACH, 6 x 6 " oil on panel ©2012
With a commitment to building a more vibrant blog, I signed up for the 4-week Blog Triage class with Cynthia Morris and Alyson Stanfield. Today's assignment is to describe the people I want to visit and read my blog.
My intent when I started this blog more than a year ago was to present a small, colorful gift to the blogosphere each day and hone my painting skills by maintaining a high level of artistic discipline.
Since that time, I have posted a painting nearly every single day.
When I think of the future of my blog, I realize that I want even more art collectors among my audience. These are enthusiastic followers who tend to buy paintings that strike their fancy. With these collectors and with my fellow artists, I am looking for ways to create a conversation on my blog.
It is natural to enjoy pleasant comments from viewers, but I want to evoke more detailed comments, critical reactions, and more of an artistic give and take. I have no idea how to do this, but I would love to see an interchange that goes beyond "nice painting".
Finally, I want to inspire gallery owners and people who write about art to visit my blog on a regular basis. I realize this is going to require additional work on my part.
It is easy to "connect" on the internet, but how do you converse? How do you generate a meaningful conversation about art, or about anything else for that matter?
I feel certain that I am going to discover many answers during the next month. I invite you to send me your feelings, ideas, and reactions. It is fine to disagree with me about anything I write.