Showing posts with label vase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vase. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day Ten

My Blue Vase, 6 x 6 " oil on gessobord panel, ©2015, Fay Terry

short stems of these grow
up to love sunny windows
with petals and all

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Summer Bouquet

Hand Picked, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry
Available at Franklin Square Gallery

Today's picks from the garden behaved well while they were posing for me. They did not wiggle or fall over; they stood up straight and tall. I added the plum and I am very pleased with the way this one turned out. 
Thanks for looking at my paintings!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Caitlin's Roses, 9 x 12" oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry


My daughter and I are very fortunate that my husband loves giving us flowers. These are birthday flowers given to my daughter yesterday and  I decided to act quickly to paint them while they are very fresh and lovely. The roses started out as white with bright pink edges and now they are becoming pale pink at the bottom and still very deep pink closer to the top of the flower.
Have a great week end and thanks for viewing my art.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Same Flowers, Different Place

Porch Tulips, 6 x 6 " oil on gessobord panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

It's finally warm enough to enjoy the screened porch so I've been enjoying these tulips on the table where I now eat breakfast and lunch. 
I painted this one very quickly, which is how I like to paint daily paintings. Sometimes it works, but sometimes a small painting can take far longer than I imagined. 
My large paintings may be viewed on my website, but I need to get busy and update my inventory and work on my site to reflect what I have recently been working on in the bigger sizes.
Thanks for viewing my art! 

Monday, April 21, 2014


Easter Tulips. 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100 plus shipping

It was a wonderful week-end at the beach with the exception of the unrelenting rain and cool temps. We had lots of fun anyway, spending time with our kids. 
I was scheduled to work in the gallery Saturday afternoon and we had tons of people come in.
It's nice to be home again with the promise of warm weather most of the week.
Thanks for viewing my art.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spring Flowers

Tulips and Beach Finds, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

We had lots of fun last night at the Art Show at Top Of The Hill on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill.
There were many wonderful pieces of art which included paintings, pottery, and jewelry. 
Numerous local artists donated their work including Vidabeth Benson, Carmen Elliott, Jane Filer, Kim Werfel, and  Andria Linn.
My four paintings all sold which made me happy.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Flowers In Blue And White

Happy Crowd, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2014, Fay Terry


I painted this from a photo I took a couple of summers ago. I have painted it before and decided not to look at the previous painting so I could see how differently I would paint it now. I have some paintings to put in the mail today so I still have not had a chance to compare. I am happy with this one and love the colors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sunny Color

Gladiolas, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2013, Fay Terry

$100, free shipping

These seem to be blooming everywhere right now, a flower that I never liked but am beginning to be a little fond of.
They are much more attractive in an arrangement than when they are growing outside. Their height is awkward and they seem to lean in every direction. I did have fun painting them and may buy some more in a different color.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Thursday Flower

Big White Flower, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©2013, Fay Terry

$100 includes shipping

This is the painting I did yesterday and posted in the afternoon.  Somehow, it didn't publish so I am sending it out again today. (I was pretty tired yesterday so I might have done something wrong.)
I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Foiled Again

Opening Up, 6 x 6 " oil on archival panel, ©2013, Fay Terry


These flowers are on my kitchen table near the window and buds are still opening.  When my husband brought them home, they were all completely closed so I wasn't sure what color they would be.  It has been fun watching them spread their petals, which seem to be lasting a long time.
The title of the post refers to the fact that when I leave the house I put aluminum foil under the vase to keep my cat, Bentley, from eating the leaves. He is afraid to set foot on foil and it is what I use to keep him off  places where he is not welcome.

This is another special price painting and you can bid on it through the Daily Paintworks Auction, which is easy and completely safe.  Click here  for larger view of painting and bidding information.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Favorite Now, 6 x 6 " oil on gessobord panel, ©2012, Fay Terry

Today's painting is the beginning of a new series which I will tell you about tomorrow.