Saturday, February 21, 2015

Towels On The Railing

Summer House, 16 x 20 " oil on canvas, ©2015, Fay Terry

I have been enjoying working on some larger paintings this week and it feels really good to be painting on canvas.  I love gessobord, but it's nice to have a little variety of surfaces. It was difficult to get a good photo of this, maybe since there is still a lot of snow and ice in the area outside where I set up to take the photo. I will try again later after it melts in today's sunshine.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Colorful Boats

Bateaux á Cassis, 16 x 20 " oil on Canvas©2015, Fay Terry

I am happy to have finished this painting today. I have been working on it for a while. The water is my favorite part of the painting just because of all the shadows and ripples which were fun to paint. I have a wonderful frame for it that I ordered from King Of Frame in Costa Mesa. I love their frames, this is a relatively new one, Taos Gray, which is even better looking than the photo. When they first came out they had special pricing for the first few weeks and I bought several.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Snow Covered Mountains, 9 x 12" acrylic on Raymar Panel, ©2015

My goals in this painting were to achieve depth and to contrast the shadow pattern with the areas in light.  It was fun painting snow on the high peaks, something I have not painted before.  This is another landscape painted partially in the workshop I recently took with John Poon. 
A few days ago I could have painted outdoors here in Pinehurst, but now we are experiencing ice covered ground and roads, and a dusting of snow on top this afternoon. I think there will be some warm days, in the sixties, very soon.
I am happy that we have just seventeen days until daylight savings time begins.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cold Day

Waiting For The Storm, 6 x 6 " oil on panel, ©Fay Terry

The wintry mix has begun to accumulate on the porches, decks, and streets; it seems to make me want a cup of hot tea.  I made a big pot of soup for supper and hope that the ice accumulation does not result in downed trees and power lines leading to power outages. This is very small compared to what the northeast has dealt with, we are expecting a minor winter storm.  Even this is not a frequent occurrence in this part of the state.
Thanks for all your comments recently, they really keep me going and I do appreciate them!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Designing The Landscape

I learned a great deal from John Poon about using good design principles in a landscape painting. I have not had the opportunity to continue on this painting since I first began it in the workshop. I am looking forward to working on it and putting into practice more of the things emphasized in John's lectures.
Must go now, sleeping grand-baby is waking up!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Morning Shadows

Window Box, 16 x 20" oil on canvas
This is a favorite painting from the past and one of my favorite subjects to paint-windows with flower boxes and shadows. I will have to look for more opportunities to paint these when the weather becomes warmer and flowers are in bloom.
I am still in Charlotte and painting when I can, but the days with my grandkids have been lots of fun.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Red Barn

Mountain Scene, 8 x 10 "acrylic on panel

This is another painting from my workshop last week in Wilmington, I am not quite ready to call it completely finished. There are still a few more things I want to adjust. I am learning more every time I work on one of these starts.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Barnyard Fowl

Standing In The Shadows, 6 x 6 " oil on panel,© Fay Terry

This is one from the past that was done from a photo I took several years ago. I like the way the chicken and rooster are linked together in the composition and each is looking in a different direction.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Larger Landscape

11 x14" acrylic on Raymar Panel, unfinished landscape with clouds

I find it hard to believe that I have never tried painting clouds until now. I consider them to be a real challenge and I did get lots of help from John Poon in the workshop.  Now I want to practice painting more skies so I can really learn how to make them look natural.
I also realized that I have not painted many scenes like this with mountains, sky, trees, and land. I love painting them but I still have much to learn. I still want to adjust some of the values.
I will be spending the week with my grandkids so there may not be much painting and posting time-we'll see.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

On My Easel

This is a painting that I did last week in the workshop with John Poon. I had such fun painting this with all the landscape elements in this scene. It is not yet finished and I plan to do some more work on it.
I used acrylics the entire week and I am still learning how best to use them.

John is an excellent teacher and gave great lectures with slides every day that were chock full of helpful information about painting the landscape. Now I want to spend the next couple of months working outdoors and from  carefully considered photos.
I hope you are having a great week-end, more paintings soon.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Painting Workshop

I have heard from a few blog followers telling me they have missed seeing my daily paintings recently. (Thank you, guys!) I miss you, too.
So I am posting instead, a wonderful photo taken by the artist I am studying with this week. The photo was taken some time ago by John Poon, our wonderful teacher, at a place not far from here in North Carolina.  We used this today to do a value study. I will post all the paintings I've done in class as soon as I can photograph them.

I am learning a great deal and enjoying five days of painting with a great group of folks at Dan Beck's Studio and gallery in Wilmington. 
My internet access has not been available until now and I am glad that some of you miss me. I'll be back to posting regularly this week-end and thanks for writing to me.