Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Little Luck

Fay Terry, LUCKY LADY, 6 x 6 " oil on gessobord panel ©2012
Every spring when I begin washing all the windows, I invariably discover lots of ladybugs inside at least one of the window frames. I'm never sure how they get there but they quickly start flying out and I am assured of another spell of good luck.  I was instilled at a young age with the idea that these charming creatures bring good luck whenever you encounter them, and so far I have had a very lucky life so it must be true.  Not only that, but they are beautiful and varied, harmless, and very good for one's garden, because they eat aphids and other soft insects that harm plants.  In the 1800's they are credited with saving the orange and lemon crops in California which were being eaten by Australian scale bugs.  Ladybugs imported from Australia made the citrus crops totally pest free within two years.

1 comment:

  1. Fay, these colors just POP! Great job! I also love ladybugs in my garden.


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