Showing posts with label and blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and blue. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fruits Of Summer

Mini-Melon, 8 x 8 " oil on cradled panel, ©2012, Fay Terry
ready to hang

Can you tell I am gearing up for the fourth? Watermelon, corn on the cob, burgers, peach cobbler, beer, and FIREWORKS. Oh yeah, beach time, too. I really love the fireworks and wish I had a camera that would take good photos of them. Any recommendations? I am starting to look for one soon.
For this painting I was inspired by all those thoughts of fun, food, and festivities, but mostly by my friend in Maine, Brenda Ferguson, who has been doing the coolest paintings with stripes. Bren always has  clever ideas for doing a whole series of paintings and she is a terrific artist. Check out her blog here.