Monday, June 6, 2011

Sandy Is Dandy

Sandy Is Dandy
Dogs love the whole beach adventure!  There's so much to see and so much to sniff,  but one of the best parts is getting covered with sand and salt.  The lucky dog being walked by the sea usually attracts a lot of children who can hardly wait to shower your pet with love and attention.
Then there are all the other dogs, some of whom ignore every dog they pass, but some who are eager to make new friends. 

6x6 in. oil on gessoboard

1 comment:

  1. I WISH I had a beach dog again! But puggies get sand in their eyes!!! We do go on calm days, and even though Paco was once attacked by a loose Japanese Chin, he is thrilled to meet other dogs! I love this painting, and also how you included the vibrant beach umbrella!


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